Documentaries About World War

Documentary about Sugar

Documentary about Sugar

December 17, 2021
Damon Gameau features in and directs That Sugar Film, his documentary investigating hidden sugar in food. Photograph: Madman Actor Damon Gameau…

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Documentary about Filmmaking

Documentary about Filmmaking

December 8, 2021
Mon Nov 02 09:24:00 EST 2015 Whether you have been making documentary films for years or are just starting out, there is something in this guide…

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Documentary about fracking

Documentary about fracking

December 8, 2021
By Thomas J. Pyle0 But filmmaker Josh Fox is certainly not “most people, ” and his documentary, set to debut on HBO July 8, represents another…

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About documentary

About documentary

November 26, 2021
The Challenges of Getting and Staying In the Game In the Game makes an important contribution to girls sports documentary with its balanced…

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List of War Documentaries

List of War Documentaries

August 15, 2021
I like war so much it s hard to pick a favorite. I will hazard a guess that you know next to nothing about the War of 1812. Don’t feel bad. I…

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World War 2 documentary YouTube

World War 2 documentary YouTube

June 26, 2021
Today is the anniversary of Germany’s invasion of Poland, on September 1st, 1939, which we are told was the reason for World War II. But is that…

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Sick around the World documentary

Sick around the World documentary

April 27, 2021
You ve just tried to add this video to your Watchlist so you can watch it later. But first, we need you to sign-in to PBS using one of the services…

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Documentaries about Sex

Documentaries about Sex

December 18, 2020
When it comes to examining an industry as global as the sex trade, where does one even think to begin? That’s the question that daunted filmmaker…

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Iran-Iraq War documentary

Iran-Iraq War documentary

November 18, 2020
Below are documentaries of the Iranian air force operations during the Iran-Iraq war. The above documentary outlines the Iranian coutner air…

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Korean War documentary

Korean War documentary

July 10, 2020
June 25th 2010, marked the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of a merciless conflict that brought the world to the brink of nuclear armageddon…

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Documentary about Sex trafficking

Documentary about Sex trafficking

April 21, 2020
10 Seconds “Gilbert Horn is a successful business and family man with a deep dark secret. His obsession leads him to lie to those around him…

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Vietnam War Documentaries

Vietnam War Documentaries

January 2, 2020
The reenactors are there to honor America’s warriors—”We take great pride and love in the men that serve this country, especially the men that…

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Documentaries about Food

Documentaries about Food

October 24, 2019
Food porn, #cleaneating, Instagrams of each and every meal of your day: We are living in a culture of food obsession by way of voyeurism. We…

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War of the Worlds documentary

War of the Worlds documentary

July 31, 2019
It took place the night before Halloween, 1938, long known as Mischief Night. Like many other ordinary evenings, millions of Americans turned…

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Kargil War documentary

Kargil War documentary

July 11, 2019
(Rana Ayyub is an award-winning investigative journalist and political writer. She is working on a book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi which…

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Afghanistan War documentary

Afghanistan War documentary

May 12, 2019
2007 89 8.1 The most coolheaded of the Iraq war documentaries, the most methodical and the least polemical. Yet it s the one that will leave…

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Documentaries about Japan

Documentaries about Japan

February 28, 2019
(photo: Tanya Braganti) The 2016 Sundance Film Festival kicked off last week in Park City, Utah. I was there for a few days this weekend and…

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World War II Documentaries

World War II Documentaries

February 8, 2019
I don t know what Allied intelligence knew (or thought they did) at the time of the atomic bombings, which is why I did not comment on their…

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