Philanthropy New York created the Documentary Film Series to encourage members to think about alternative avenues for promoting their missions.
For decades, documentaries have been incredibly influential and provoked immediate reactions—and immediate action—on behalf of significant issues.
Documentary films often demonstrate how a relatively small amount of funding can make a large impact and help nonprofits and social advocates reach a broader audience. The genre extends into so many different areas—child welfare and education, disaster relief, health care, the environment—and delivers a whole host of stories directly and effectively.
We also know that film is a social medium, and that documentaries work best when audiences have an opportunity to engage the filmmakers—and each other—about them.
Join us for a wine-and-cheese reception before each film and panel discussions with the creators after each screening.
2014-2015 Series
- Thursday, May 7, 2015 - The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

![New York City Hardcore [Documentary - English]](/img/video/new_york_city_hardcore_documentary_1.jpg)