Movies Category list

July 12, 2018

The term genre is used a lot around the movie industry to break down the type of film into categories.

It's difficult to place a lot of films in a single category. For this reason a lot of films have multiple genres.

In an attempt to let you locate the particular type that you are looking for faster, we have started trying to sub-divide our genre categories into a variety of smaller groups.

We've made a list of the genre that we use in our new Database and have linked it directly so you can also get a master list of the genre that we have archived.

Remember, when you see our poster icon there are posters pictured under that title.

List of film in our database on each genre

Some areas need write ups about the history of that particular area or more information about the genre. This will send you to the articles.

Articles on different genre

In addition, as we work on certain areas for different projects, we will be adding other areas of particular interest. As we attach these projects, we will make the lists available for anyone else that wants to use it.

See also:
15 Mindfuck Movies (list 2)
15 Mindfuck Movies (list 2)
Car Movies « Honda Hot List
Car Movies « Honda Hot List
2014 Oscar nominee movie list for different categories
2014 Oscar nominee movie list for different categories
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