The BBC has announced that a new seven-part natural history series, is to start next Sunday, 1 November, on BBC One at 9pm.
Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, the series comes from producers Alastair Fothergill (The Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Frozen Planet) and Huw Cordey (Planet Earth, South Pacific).
About the programme, the BBC have said, "The Hunt will reveal, as never before, the difficulties predators face in catching their prey. They encounter many challenges in their lives, but the most defining, supported by statistics, is this: most hunts fail."
A male Parson's chameleon in Madagascar, with its insect prey (Credit: BBC Pictures)
It will explore how animals hunt in different – and often hostile – habitats, and the skills animals need to possess and employ in order to catch their prey.
Producer Huw Cordey described the series; "The Hunt sits in the tradition of other blue chip landmark series like Planet Earth and Frozen Planet but what sets this series apart is its detailed focus on a particular group of animals. There has never been a landmark series that has tackled the subject in this way before, really honing in on strategies behind predation and evasion. But it’s not just about behaviour – to truly understand predators you also need to understand the habitats in which they live because it’s the latter that shapes each hunter’s strategy. So, The Hunt combines great behaviour with a sense of place."
The animals featured are wide-reaching and span the world: spiders, leopards, wild dogs, polar bears, arctic wolves, humpback whales and wild orcas, arctic foxes, octopuses, macaques, marine otters and dolphins will all be explored.
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Attenborough said, "I’ve worked with dear Alastair for years and years... When he started making these much bigger programmes than I was making – superb programmes for which he set a new standard – I found it a huge compliment that I was invited to do the commentary. I’ve done all the commentaries since, I think, Blue Planet, Frozen Earth... I can’t remember all the titles because we juggled."
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