- The Challenges of Getting and Staying 'In the Game'
In the Game makes an important contribution to girls' sports documentary with its balanced approach to representing a team and life.
- The Ragged Edge: An Interview with Matt Sienkiewicz
"When you start a documentary like this, you don't know until the very end whether or not you have a story."
- Three Docs on Ice: Science, Spectacle, and Storytelling
Three recent documentaries address glaciers and climate change with differing focus on science, spectacle and storytelling.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Course Wrap-Up and Reflections
A look back on using The New York Times Op-Doc series as the focus for a course in online documentary production.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Helpful Resources
Some key resources, both online and in print, that helped develop materials for The New York Times Op-Docs curriculum.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Course Assignments
Following a semester of teaching online documentary production through the Op-Docs series, this post offers a round-up of the assignments used in the course.
- 'Hard Earned' Shows the Challenges of Making a Living and a Life
An upcoming documentary series from Kartemquin Films tells stories about people working to make a living and working to make a life following the economic recession.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Sound and Observation in Hotel 22
Elizabeth Lo's short film (and New York Times Op-Doc) Hotel 22 became the focus for a session about sound in documentary.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Fairness and Representation
Not all documentary characters are represented as heroes, and nor should they be.
- A Curious App to Consume, Sort Of
The Notions+ The Notions+ “Our Curious Culture of Consumption” is an iPad app that brings together a series of materials about the ideas of consuming and being consumed. Co-publishers Heather McKenzie and Elaine Symanski curate photographs, illustrations, videos, a song, a poem, and mostly essays. Some contributions are reflective, some humorous, and some prescriptive. “Our […]
- Teaching Op-Docs: The Role of B-Roll
As a viewer, I pay too much attention to B-roll. One reason is that B-roll is often intercut with interviews, and it changes the dynamics of movement within the frame.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Finding Ideas for Documentaries
"Where do you get ideas for documentaries?" is the number one question I have received through comments and conversations over the years. Here are some starting points to consider.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Women's Stories and Issues
A handful of the shorts appearing in the Op-Docs series focuses specifically on women and their stories, and this post offers a round-up of some of those stories.
- Watching Kartemquin Films
Kartemquin Films has a strong Chicago connection, and many of its documentaries are about the city and its people in some way.
- Dressing Up the Computer's Story for an iPad App
iPad apps make for an interesting way to explore interactive documentary, and The Computer Wore Heels offers an engaging story about women's contributions during World War II.
- Teaching Op-Docs: Starting with the Big Questions
For a junior-level course this semester, I am using The New York Times's Op-Doc series as a model for talking about journalism, documentary, and online video.
- Teaching Op-Docs
In teaching a junior-level news and reporting course this semester, I have decided to use The New York Times's Op-Docs as a production model for thinking about news within online journalism.
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