There are also new updates in the audio and documents sections. Lots of new transcripts, screenplay, CD's, etc.
MANSON 1969 Vol. 1
Raw and uncut news footage. Tate murder round up, grand jury indictments, 2 Sadie interviews, Inyo County, Tate-LaBianca crime scene and rare Spahn Ranch footage, ranch hands, Manson girls "crawl for freedom, " Hinman crime scene, Sebring funeral, Polanski, Bugliosi.
MANSON 1969 Vol. 2
Raw and uncut news footage. Bobby sentenced to death, Krenwinkel brought to LA, Tate eye glasses, Mary Brunner interview, Bobby's mother interview, Krenwinkel in Alabama, Kasabian in New Hampshire, Brunner testimony, Hinman trial.
NEW! MANSON 1969-1994 Vol. 3 & 4
Rare archival footage from the day after Tate murders. Interviews with neighbors. Manson jury, Mr. and Mrs. Krenwinkel, news reports, Sharon Tate and Folger's funeral. Also rare news reports from 1970-1994. Squeaky Vs. Ford, Red & Blue trials, Tex Watson trial, Red escapes, Tex parole troubles, Doris Tate. 2 DVDs.
MANSON 1970 Vol. 1
All the uncut news coverage plus 1983 Tex Watson parole hearing excerpt plus 1969 Spahn Ranch footage; an exclusive Aes-Nihil release. Ch. 2.
MANSON 1970-1977 Vol. 2
Raw News Footage including Manson Dolls, Leslie, Girls Singing '71, R. Hughes, Leslie Re Trial, Shorty Grave, Charlie vs. Guard, Snyder, Sadie Marriage, misc. Now in color.
MANSON 1970 Vol. 3
Raw vintage footage and clips. Girls on corner, Sandy, girls singing, TJ interview. Sandy, Gypsy, Cappy and Lyn at Spahn.
MANSON 1970 Vol. 4 & 5
Raw and uncut news footage from the trials. Tate-LaBianca, Hinman, Shay, Hawthorne trial, Van Houten re-trial, girls on corner, Kenneth Como, Sandra Good, Lotsapoppa, Bruce Davis, Clem, Leslie released on bail; an exclusive release. 4 HRS. 2 DVDs
MANSON TV Interviews 1976
Susan Atkins, Sandra Good Australian TV interviews.
NEW! MANSON 1983-2003 Vol. 1
Special 4 Hour Compilation, never before available. Sandra Good 1985 interview from prison, Blue paroled, at home with Doris Tate, Parents of Murdered Children, Inside Edition Manson Women '99, Squeaky court appearance, Leslie 87, Patricia Krenwinkel Life & Crime, Roman Polanski interview, LaBianca's return to Waverly, Nelson and Cappy at Barker ranch, Fox 3oth anniversary, Tex Watson 700 Club interview, Suzan LaBerge.
NEW! MANSON 1983-2003 Vol. 2
Special 4 Hour Compilation, never before available. Polanksi/Hollywood Crime Scene, Jay Sebring, Harlow house, Leslie on Geraldo, Beach Boys, Atkins 96 parole/Dan Abrams, Hollywood Murder, Rolling Stone Mag, Doris Tate, Sadie political prisoner on Bill 'O Reilly, Cathy Smith on Atkins, Death Valley, White Album.
NEW! MANSON 1983-2003 Vol. 3
Special 4 Hour Compilation, never before available. History of Rock 'N Roll, Bartek Frykowski press conference, Guns 'N Roses, Patti Tate on Geraldo, Lemmon Brothers, Atkins '00 parole, Manson '02 parole, Shocking Murders, Gypsy, Polanksi interview, making of Helter Skelter, Steve Railsback interview, Jeremy Davies, Debra Tate, Roman Polanski E! True Hollywood Story, SP Corcoran, Manson parole hearing/San Quentin, Sharon Tate cover story.
With Nuell Emmons (previously unreleased); ’87 Today Show interview; ’87 CNN interview.
MANSON 1985-2002
Presser Press conference at CIW, Leslie Van Houten San Bernardino court appearance, Christie Webb, Leslie's father, Debra Tate, Steven Kay, Angela Smaldino. Krenwinkel 1985 parole, Leslie 1987 parole, Phil Kaufman interview.
TV news clips; Charlie, Sadie and Tex parole hearings; Sadie '85 prison interview, 5-part series on The Family; Ma Tate interview; Squeaky news clip; Bugliosi interview.
MANSON 1988 Vol. 1
Manson-Rivera Interview Broadcast version part 1, Manson-Current Affair Interview; Leslie van Houten-Walters Interview; Squeaky Escape & Recapture; Bugliosi on Squeaky.
MANSON 1988 Vol. 1A
Rivera Murders Special with Manson-Rivera Interview part 2.
MANSON 1988 Vol. 1B
Manson-Rivera Interview Entire 60 minute interview raw footage secretly taped by a guard of which only 20 min. were broadcast. An Aes-Nihil Exclusive.
MANSON 1988 Vol. 2
Tate Murder Special with Linda Kasabian; CNN Serial Killers Special with Maury Terry; Rivera Murderers Special Part 1 with Joel Norris and Ma Tate.
Manson’s last San Quentin interview; Squeaky interview; Paul Watkins/Maureen Reagan interview; Milestone IV/Manson/Bugliosi ’72; Manson parole hearing; 20th Anniversary coverage; Current Affair interview with an impostor "son" of Paul Watkins.
Susan LaBarge LaBianca vs. Ma Tate; Two Sandra Good interviews; Ma Tate and Ed Sanders; Manson segment of The Beach Boys TV movie; ’88 West Virginia Channel 47 Manson series; Red speaks (longer version); Peace, Love and the Devil.
MANSON 1991 Vol. 1
Hard Copy 3-part series with Vacaville tape of Manson; Two parts of the most recent interview; Pardon from Above; A liberal Jesus lets Tex get away with murder and Susan LaBerge LaBianca and Mrs. Tex Watson commune together with Jesus on behalf of Tex. Thank you, Jesus!
MANSON 1991 Vol. 2
Manson Family Reunion with TJ the Terrible and Ansom 13; Manson report; Sadie marriage report; Tex ministry exposé; "Manson the Mobster": with Rivera; Leslie Van Houten parole hearing.
MANSON 1991 Vol. 3MANSON/REAGAN INTERVIEW Complete, uncut version.
MANSON 1992 Vol. 1
Manson Today interview (only five minutes previously released); plus Manson parole hearing report; plus President Ford assassination attempt coverage from ’75; plus Sandy and Squeaky interviews from ’92.
MANSON 1992 Volume 2
1992 Parole Hearing, complete, 2 hours uncut
NEW! MANSON 1992: Volume 3