A compilation of the 10 best World War 2 documentary films that accurately share the times, experience, and tragedy of WW2.
“ Takes the tales of soldiers throughout the war and relays them in a heartfelt and engaging format. ” - jarod-102-430096
WWII in HD (2009 Mini-Series)
Follow the lives of soldiers who lived World War II, through previously unseen color footage. (60 mins.)
“ Great footage mixed with narration from veterans tells the story of WWII from start to finish. ” - jarod-102-430096
The World at War (1973 Mini-Series)
A series of documentaries about World War II. (52 mins.)
Hitler - Eine Karriere (1977 Documentary)
This meticuously assembled fim dissects the Third Reich with a keen analytical blade, charting Hitler's improbable rise, his mastery of imagery and crowd psychology, and his consummate skill in exploiting the weakness in others. (150 mins.)
Shooting War (2000 Documentary)
Produced by Steven Spielberg and presented by Tom Hanks this documentary tells how war photographers faced the horrors that looked both in Europe and in the Pacific during World War II . (88 mins.)
Battle 360 (2008 TV Series)
This series chronicle's the illustrious battle history of the U.S.S. Enterprise which played a critical role in World War Two and for a time was the only carrier defending the Pacific Theater from domination by Japan.
Third Reich: The Rise & Fall (2010 TV Series)
THIRD REICH: THE RISE & FALL tells the story of Hitler's Germany through rarely seen films of the people who were there... (180 mins.)
The War (2007 Mini-Series)
A seven-part series focusing on the many ways in which the Second World War impacted the lives of American families.